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Baer Plays Pitch Black Dungeon (Ep. 83) – PBD 6.0

Download the Pitch Black Dungeon mod here: https:steamcommunity.comapp262060discussions4618453594742937266 Darkest Dungeon: http:store.steampowered.comapp262060 Welcome to the…

24 thoughts on “Baer Plays Pitch Black Dungeon (Ep. 83) – PBD 6.0”

  1. Oh BaerTaffy, you do get some terrible luck but your target priorities do
    need some improvement.
    – Always prioritize targets that can heal or protect allies (since they can
    prolong the fight)
    – Always kill High Protection targets last as it’ll be quicker to kill
    "softer" targets first
    – Lepers have terrible base accuracy and skill accuracy, always consider
    that in your trinket selection
    – If the occultist will be your main healer, then better say your prayers
    at the start of every round (lol)

  2. Baer, why don’t you get the Tarot Cards? Can someone explain to me why he
    doesn’t have those? Different mod or something? Use a vestal w that healing
    Arcana trinket and u will never forget that Occ Arent healers ever again lol

  3. Vinicius Leite Godeiro

    This is what you did wrong this time, Baer. Try to learn something from it
    instead of roasting everyone. Love you.
    You still won, though. So congrats!
    -Not focusing on stress dealers when you don’t have stress healers.
    -Not stunning the vestal when she was the only thing keeping the highwayman
    alive(although your luck was pretty bad on this fight, so it’s okay not
    executed perfectly)
    -Going on the cove and not bringing bandages. I do understand that you had
    not enough money, but you could have selled the plagued rose trinket too,
    which increases PD melee damage. No one will consider that in PBD.
    -Not reading enough. You get into the action too quickly. Be sure to read
    EVERYTHING. You just saw that PBD 6 does something different for the torch
    light and didn’t read it. You are very often not knowing the correct
    enemies to prioritize in a fight because you don’t read their affixes. A
    fight with a charmer witch or a blighting brigand could go VERY bad if you
    don’t even acknowledge their existence.

    You did good surviving this time, though. There wasn’t as much mistakes as
    with composition Equilibre team(three death’s door heroes, not using the
    Vestal’s camp. Just a example), and you generally did a good job.

    Please understand, Baer. We don’t want you to be optimal, nor do we want
    you to become a machine that only plays a certain calculated way. We only
    want you to become better. Because we love you.

    Please pay a bit more attention. It’s all we ask.


  4. I would really recommend stunning when you cannot kill something (you tend
    to start blights/heal) and focus down stressers when you don’t have
    stresshealers. Love to see you take a shot at this again, you are not in
    the best position so I understand that it is somewhat infuriating to play.

  5. Orders of the Unworthy would have been useful to "slow" your characters’
    progression so that you’re not left with tons of Champions and nothing but
    Champion level dungeons to face.

    But then, its only good from one character, so your value is questionable.

  6. This run was just, kinda sloppy honestly. I don’t want to nitpick all the
    small things you coulda done better, but I do want to give a piece of
    advice I think you should heed. Doesn’t need to be in the video, just look
    through camping skills and abilities to see how they work, what has been
    changed, and what you can use. Cause honestly you kinda stink at camping
    preparedness and skill management. :/

    Congrats on the successful run though!

  7. Alexandr Poluektov

    Hey Baertaffy, earlier I wrote something about sucking .. whatever. Anyway,
    it was due to the momentary lack of self control. There is no reason to
    express tiny subjective impressions based on private aggravation. I just
    had a bad day and almost (thank god) vented it on your vid. I actually
    enjoy what you do. It brings me solace after a good-for-nothing days. Keep
    it up.

  8. at 9:32 i was screaming at you blackjack the healer and the highwayman dais
    to blight, it was pretty obvious , you ARE getting worst, you should let
    this rest; or abandon and start over after being done with another of your
    playthroughs; give DD a rest, you need it

  9. The first fight. He could have killed the HWM. But he didnt. If you arent
    ready to kill the enemy, be prepared to face the consequences.

  10. Entarra De'Lacord

    The skill change on the Leper seems really good, depending on how long it
    lasts, he always did have a bit of an accuracy issue and the added damage
    would help a lot.

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