22-year-old’s 3-D scanner can diagnose heart diseases in 90 seconds
He started a biotech company and collected millions of dollars in capital, including from famed businessman Mark Cuban, and he hopes to start bringing 3-D heart-scanning technology to hospitals and emergency rooms across the country as early as this year.
“Five years from now, we want to be known as the ER standard for ruling in or ruling out cardiac chest pain versus non-cardiac chest pain,” said Shrivastava, who hails from outside Cincinnati.
As a high school student in 2011, he began interning as a researcher in a lab at Ohio State University, looking at the molecular underpinnings of heart problems.
After graduating high school in 2013, he enrolled at Ohio State. But before he started classes, he co-founded Genetesis with two high school buddies, Vineet Erasala and Manny Setegn. Read more…